
Showing posts from February, 2022

Geometrical transformations in Bharata Natyam

At least once in a lifetime, a mathematics teacher would have faced one question from many students, what is the use of learning these concepts in my life? It’s true, all you learn inside the four walls of a school or college might not be useful in real life. But a few concepts will be definitely helpful and that’s more than enough. What if I tell you the subject from an engineering course CAED (computer added engineering drawing) is a modern version of Bharata Natyam. Our ancestors were ingenious, they created a beautiful art form Bharata Natyam with hidden mathematics and science behind it. Let's explore it more. Ancient scientists and mathematicians saw geometry as a branch of art. So do the Bharata Natyam and the human body, both are the best work of art. The human body is an entity of geometry, it exists in a 3- dimensional plane. It can travel either parallel to the plane or perpendicular or at any specific angle. That's the birth of geometry too. Geometry exists because